Katie Holmes is Not Happy

Hey, remember last week when Tom Cruise showed up in those Scientology videos talking about world domination and other insane lunacy? Yeah, apparently Katie Holmes didn’t think it was hot. MSN says:

A distraught Katie Holmes has stormed out of a crisis meeting with her husband Tom Cruise, furious over damaging publicity about his Scientology beliefs, and humiliated over the disastrous reaction to the movie he told her to make. The actress is said to be inconsolable after a string of leaked Scientology videos have flooded the Internet and divided Hollywood…Katie had already been forced to fend off questions about Andrew Morton’s controversial book Tom Cruise: An Unauthorized Biography. While at first Katie put on a brave face, declaring that she and Tom weren’t bothered by the book, after this new scandal she can no longer ignore the Hollywood backlash…”

In case you’re interested, the movie in question is Mad Money, the movie Tom Cruise forced urged Holmes to take instead of reprising her role as Rachel Dawes in The Dark Knight. Mad Money stars Queen Latifah and Ted Danson. The Dark Knight stars Christian Bale and Heath Ledger. Mad Money has made $15 million in ten days. When it’s released, The Dark Knight will make $15 million before your lunch break. From now on, Katie Holmes should take career advice from a monkey playing the cymbals or interpreting the symbols on cereal boxes. It probably wouldn’t be any worse.