Cameron Diaz is a Homewrecker

Cameron Diaz is scheduled to be subpoenaed and made to testify about her romance with illusionist Criss Angel after his wife of five years, Joanne Sarantakos, accused Diaz of having an affair with her husband. Criss Angel (Chris Sarantakos) and Cameron Diaz have made no real effort to keep their relationship private. Angel and Joanne Sarantakos were together for 15 years. New York Post reports:

We’re naming Cameron Diaz as his lover,” [Celebrity lawyer Dominic] Barbara told the court. “We will subpoena her as soon as she comes back to New York.” Later, he said he’d had Angel tailed by a private investigator for six months. Angel’s lawyer, Elliot Weiner, did not deny the adultery allegation. Cameron Diaz’s flack did not return phone calls and e-mails. Barbara also said that Angel continued to have an “abusive” relationship with his wife, 37, and refused to give her a cent – despite the fact he made $7 million last year and has just signed a $200 million contract with a Vegas casino. “He’s not paying her support, which is tragic – considering his worth,” said Barbara. He said that Angel, 39, promised his wife he would send her a $7,000 check for household expenses but it never arrived.”

I’ve seen Criss Angel’s wife and she doesn’t look like she has fur or breathes fire, so I’m a little confused as to why he thought this was an upgrade. This guy can make an elephant disappear, he couldn’t pull something other than Cameron Diaz? Send her back in time 500 years and the angry townsfolk would have dogs tracking her scent back to her cave.

Cameron in Hawaii earlier this month: