Star Magazine Manipulates Jennifer Aniston

This month’s cover of Star Magazine, entitled “Jen’s $5 Million Tell-All!”, shows Jennifer Aniston carrying what appears to be a manuscript that Star contends is being shopped to numerous publishers as a chronicle of her days with Brad Pitt. Turns out, Star lied. Radar Online reports:

But hang on-maybe Jen’s not really writing a book? In which case, maybe Star’s cover actually shows something else-say, Aniston attending an auction, holding an art catalog from Los Angeles Modern Auctions? And maybe Star simply airbrushed out the cover of the catalog, along with a pair of sunglasses she was holding, for good measure?…Asked about the manipulation, an AMI spokesperson said, “Every magazine in this category chooses cover photos that best describe the story.”

This sounds like a tough predicament for Star, a magazine known for their stout journalistic integrity. I hope they catch whoever did this, because this could really ruin Star’s good name. This is almost as bad as the time that I Photoshopped out the arm floaties I was wearing in the pool on Memorial Day.

Jennifer Aniston on May 28th:

Banner image and story source: Radar Online