So Skinhead Helen From ‘Orange Is The New Black” Is Actually Smoking Hot Off-Set

Photo: Instagram

The new season of Orange is the New Black is up and running now on Netflix and one character that is getting a lot of time on screen is Skinhead Helen played by Francesca Curran. Now you probably haven’t heard much about Curran, but she’s a 24-year-old actress who is finally getting recognized for her talent. And now she’s blowing people away after they discover what she really looks like off-set.

For a quick reminder, here’s what Curran looks like on the Netflix show.

Photo: Netflix

And believe it or not this is what Curran looks like when she isn’t on the show.

Pretty unbelievable.

“In real life, I’m so feminine,” Curran said. “I’m so girly. I love my makeup, I love my jewelry and all that; so to really be stripped of all that… The first time I was like, okay, wow. I found myself in the mirror and was like, this is a striking… what a difference.”

Of course Curran has to wear wigs in her day-to-day life in order to keep up with her shaved head for the show, but boy, she is quite the looker. Take a look at more of Curran thanks to her Instagram.

h/t The LADbible

Now check this out: Jackie Cruz From ‘Orange Is The New Black’ Dropped Jaws By Putting Her Amazing Boobs On Display