In-N-Out Hates This Video Of Their Milkshake Dripping Onto Abigail Ratchford’s Breasts

You’d think any company would see a video of Abigail Ratchford dumping their product on her magnificent breasts and be excited about it in more ways than one.

But the folks at In-N-Out are saying that’s not what their hamburgers are all about. Or their milkshakes, for that matter.

According to TMZ, attorneys for the fast-food chain have “demanded” Ratchford take out the video immediately, or they’ll “likely serve up a lawsuit.”

The video features Ratchford wearing nothing but a bikini (and eventually a milkshake) behind what looks like a delicious spread of In-N-Out products while she playfully throws fries at the camera. She then drops some of her vanilla shake on her breasts, wipes it off with her hands and then licks her fingers. (You can click here for the full video, but the shortened version is below.)

We think it’s Advertising 101, but In-N-Out thinks otherwise, saying they have received numerous complaints about Ratchford’s “sexually suggestive acts with In-N-Out Burger food.” We’ll let you be the judge:

Hmmmm. No complaints here. In fact, I think I’ll sit down for a moment and then go get myself a Double-Double for lunch. And a vanilla milkshake, of course.

Abigail Ratchford mirror selfies? Yes, please: Abigail Ratchford Just Took The Best Mirror Selfies You’ll See


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