Four Sexy Words: Ireland Baldwin Butt Selfie

When Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger conceived a daughter, you knew that she was going to grow up to be one of two things: Either a trouble-making coke addict, or a drop dead gorgeous model with a fabulous backside who may or may not be featured in the upcoming Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue. I’ll take the latter for $400, Alex:

Ireland Baldwin posted that amazing picture of her behind taken from, well, behind on her Instagram a few days ago with the simple caption of “#2014.”

Most of her Instagram followers approved of the new pic, and why not? It’s spectacular. But one ass clown had the nerve to comment, “Come on girl! Leave this stuff for the Kardashians. You’ve got way more class than that.”

To that guy, we’d like to say, “Hey. Don’t blow it for the rest of us, dick.”

(via toofab)

And for the boob guys: 20 More Sexy Photos of Busty Babes


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