This Bloke’s Review Of The New Jimmy Barnes Ice Cream Is Pure Australia

Australia has its fair share of icons, including Jimmy Barnes. Somehow, and for some strange reason, Barnsey’s essence has now been distilled into a new flavour of ice cream, and a top Aussie bloke has done the good deed and reviewed the product for the benefit of the entire nation.

Aaron Gocs’ review of Peters Drumstick’s “One Tough Cookie Dough” flavour, which was reportedly inspired by Jimmy Barnes, is pure Australia – we’re talking a mullet, a super-chilled vibe, and some very Australian words of wisdom.

“It’s your typical looking Drumstick,” Gocs says in his review. “It’s not a strong flavour. You think if you’re gonna eat a bit of Jimmy Barnes you’d think it would be a kind of a strong flavour.”

Other highlights of Gocs’ top effort include the line, “It’s pretty cold… I wonder if that’s a reference to Cold Chisel.”

Treat yo’ self to Gocs’ detailed six-minute exploration of the new Barnsey ice cream, below.

Images: Facebook & YouTube


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