Dying Light Releases Action-Packed Launch Trailer with New Gameplay

It was a long few weeks for Dying Light, Techland’s followup to their Dead Island games after breaking away from publisher Deep Silver. Rumors swirled of a politically charged delay that turned out to be only a physical copy delay in some regions with publisher Warner Bros. Interactive at fault. After that, disgruntled pre-purchasers started demanding their money back and spending it elsewhere, despite Techland offering three DLC packs for free to those affected by the delay.

Techland, though, has released a sigh of relief in video form, as Dying Light’s launch trailer is now live, in advance of its January 27 release date.

Boasting its relationship to the original Dead Island series, as well as its 50+ awards and nominations pre-launch, Techland has put its best foot forward with the Dying Light launch trailer, and this should give the down-on-its-luck studio the chance to breathe while all its consumers do little more than marvel. The trailer shows off Dying Light’s beautiful environment, the visceral gameplay and compelling story, the latter of which its eventual competitor Dead Island 2 has virtually no stated interest in.

Related: Dying Light – Everything You Need to Know

While the Dying Light delay may well have prevented it from being the most financially successful title this quarter, don’t be surprised if its the best-reviewed.


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