Exclusive Preview: Legends of The Dark Knight Chapter # 84

What should you do when the Bat’s away?

Any time that Batman is sidelined has to be open season for the villains in Gotham City. And sure, the Batman family of sidekicks is pushing double digits now, but there’s only one Dark Knight.

Writer J. Torres and artist Matthew Clark are exploring this very issue in “What Would Batman Do?,” a new storyline running through the digital first Batman anthology series, Legends of The Dark Knight.

In this exclusive preview from Legends of The Dark Knight Chapter # 84, Robin and Batgirl corner Clayface in one of Gotham’s theaters. But they’re the ones who may outmatched,,,

And waiting in the wings after Clayface is Man-Bat, another villain that the team of Batgirl and Robin will have to take down with minimal help from Batman himself.

Legends of The Dark Knight Chapter # 84 on Friday, January 9 on the DC Comics App, Readdcentertainment.com, comiXology, Google Play, Kindle Store, Nook Store, iBooks, and iVerse ComicsPLUS.