Comic-Con 2014: Heath Ledger’s Joker Immortalised In Lego

The late Heath Ledger‘s iconic Oscar-winning performance as The Joker in the 2008 film The Dark Knight, has been commemorated in Lego form.

The new Lego line based on Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight trilogy will be unveiled this week at San Diego’s Comic-Con and will be the first time Heath Ledger’s take on the notorious villain has appeared in Lego form.

The Lego mini-fig portrays The Joker with the distinctive, disturbing face make-up central to Ledger’s role. Also included in the new line is a mini-fig of Christian Bale‘s Batman and will be part of a set that allows builders to recreate the “Tumbler” version of the Batmobile from Nolan’s films.

The set contains 1869 pieces and will sell at a retail price in the US of $199 when it arrives in stores in September, after it is previewed at Comic-Con. Fairfax reports, the release of the Lego set coincides with the 75th anniversary of the Batman character.

Other commemorative events planned by US studio Warner Bros, which owns DC Comics, include the DVD release of the 1966 Batman television series, and the debut of new television series, “Gotham”, which will feature origin stories for many of the Batman franchise’s key villains.

The stars of the 1966 Batman television series, Adam West (Batman), Burt Ward (Robin) and Julie Newmar (Catwoman), will also be special guests at this year’s Comic-Con.


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