Child of Light: Tips for Getting By in Lemuria

Child of Light is a joy to experience. Our review says as much, and if it’s still not on your radar, you really ought to reconsider, even for the aural and visual aspects alone. If you’re a fan of turn-based RPG combat that packs a punch (not to mention an incredibly fun gimmick), then trying Child of Light basically becomes a no brainer.

For those of you already sold on the game, you can’t expect to just wander blindly into Lemuria (which literally translates to a “lost land”) without a game plan. What will you do when an anthropomorphic bird-zombie jumps from the shadows and strikes before you can heal or spend your skill points? Or what about all those hidden chests and collectibles scattered throughout the land? Oh, and don’t forget sidequests, Oculi crafting, environmental puzzling, and skill-building. And controlling your firefly friend Igniculus. He’s so adorable.

To help expedite your preparations, we’ve compiled some tips to keep in mind while playing, battling, and literally flying through Lemuria’s gorgeous, hand-drawn world. Stay sharp, and brush up your knowledge of poetic rhyme schemes. Trust me, you’ll need them.