Top 5 Fantasy Football Players To Be Thankful For

With the Thanksgiving holiday almost upon us, now is the perfect time to step back and look at some of the best players this fantasy season has given us so far.

All five of these guys below are obvious names but they are obvious because they consistently produce staggering stats on practically every game day. While you may find guys on a weekly basis who outscore them, their overall body of work is good enough to headline a huge amount of fantasy championships.

So take note of these guys for next year; never ignore a stud if you can get it and hopefully you are on the better side of their great performances so far this year.

Also, fantasy football aside, may everyone take the time to enjoy this holiday (and the three pack of NFL games, of course) and to reflect on any and all blessings in their lives.

Happy Thanksgiving.


James LeBeau is an avid fantasy sports participant and a sports contributor for CraveOnline Sports. You can follow him on twitter @LoboISbroke or “like” CraveOnline Sports on Facebook.

Photo Credit: Getty


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