Preview: Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye #21


This is the issue where everything goes down, and the Transfans among us are waiting with bated breath and tense innards to find out which of our beloved Autobots and psuedo-Autobots are going to make it out of Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye #21 alive.

Chief Justice Tyrest has gone mad, and believes that he has to commit genocide against a particular breed of Cybertronian in order to reach enlightenment and redeem himself for “cold constructing” them in the first place by siphoning power from the Matrix. Thus, he has created a killswitch that will send a signal throughout the galaxy and wipe out every last one of them – and that includes a lot of characters we know and love. Can Tailgate, our diminutive friend who only has days to live anyway, pull off the impossible and find a way to stop Tyrest’s mass murder?

Tomorrow’s Transformers: MTMTE #21, from James Roberts and Alex Milne, is the only way to find out. This is the best TF fiction that’s ever been crafted, so we know this chapter is going to be a doozy. We’ve got the hankies at the ready.


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