The Book Report Podcast #150: A Literal Gorilla Monsoon



That’s right, it’s the super-sized 150th edition of The Book Report, Crave Online’s comic book podcast, with your hosts Andy Hunsaker and The Monkey in the Wrench, The Punky in the Brewster and The Baba in the Ganoush, Iann Robinson.

GUESS WHAT? BEN AFFLECK IS BATMAN. Time to talk about that, and to poke holes in the absolutely absurd amount of nerd rage about it. Also, we’ve got comic books! Batman, Batman Beyond, Superior Spider-Man, Infinity, Avengers, Trinity War, Superman Unchained, Daredevil, Batgirl, Red Sonja, Numbercruncher, The Lone Ranger, Dream Thief, Nova, East of West, X-Men Legacy, Thor: God of Thunder and much more – including more talk about Ghost Shark than you could ever possibly want!


Here’s The MP3!

Subscribe to The Book Report on iTunes, follow us on Twitter (@CraveOnlineEnt) whenever you can, and be forewarned, we use salty language with regularity.  Also, be sure to check out Crave Online’s other podcasts for all your entertainment needs – there’s the “The Idiot Box” for TV, “The B-Movies” for film, and “Next Gen News” for video games. Crave Online’s got you covered.

And thanks to My Special Agent for allowing us to use their Hulk song “Anger/Danger” as our opening theme.


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