10 Funny Versions of “Never Gonna Give You Up”

Rick Astley’s “Never Gonna Give You Up” might be the closest thing the internet has to a national anthem. So let’s pledge allegiance to – and never give up on – this 80s pop hit turned internet meme turned eternal internet classic. Here are 10 funny versions of “Never Gonna Give You Up”:


Mad Men Roll’d

Never gonna give up Jaguar.


Nirvana Roll’d

…which is also something you can get at a Japanese restaurant.


Literal Roll’d

Does that mean when you’re sending this to someone, you have to tell them explicitly that it’s a trick?


Metal Roll’d

Never gonna let you down, Satan!


Floppy Roll’d

When are these floppy drives gonna tour?


Tay Roll’d

Oh man, remember Tay Zonday? This happened millions of years ago.


Miku Hatsune Roll’d

Uh… you can give me up. I’m cool.


Mario Paint Roll’d

All songs sound better when played on cars, boats and hearts.


Barack Roll’d

Roll and Change.


Muppet Roll’d

They’re never gonna desert you, because they’ve got hands in their butts.


Geoffrey Golden is the Editor in Chief of The Devastator: The Quarterly Comedy Magazine For Humans!


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