The Idiot Box – Episode 68: The Worst TV Shows of 2011

Kicking off 2012 with a bang, The Idiot Box returns with Blair Marnell (Crave Online’s TV Channel Editor) and Sax Carr (Crave Online’s Comedy Channel Editor) as they dive into the worst TV series of 2011! And somehow, our top ten list as eleven entrees and 16 shows; including “Grimm,” “The Event,” “V” and more! Which program will walk away with the dubious honor of worst of the worst?! You’ll find out soon…

But first, Blair and Sax take a look at Roland Emmerich’s new apocalyptic intoned ABC drama and a “Cult” series on The CW from the creator of “Farscape” before responding to several recent comments on our previous year end lists on!



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R.I.P. Angelo Bowers


On January 03, our friends and comedians Angelo Bowers and Josh Adam Meyers were driving in Hollywood when they were struck by a drunk driver attempting to flee the scene of his previous hit-and-run accident. Angelo died from his injuries at the hospital, while Josh remains in serious condition.

Angelo was widely considered to be a “comic’s comic” and everyone who knew him expected his star to rise quickly. Unfortunately, very little of Angelo’s work has been recorded online. However, Tom Franck of Comics and Comics has posted a 13 minute set Angelo performed at Meltdown Comics in 2010.

Angelo’s friends have also started a Twitter account @angelosjokes to recall the best Angelo Bowers jokes and share them with the world.

Comedian Scott Box has taken the initiative to raise money for Angelo’s family and for Josh’s medical expenses. To donate, go to paypal and send anything you can to

Sax Carr and several other comedians are also working together on a benefit show for Angelo and Josh tentatively planed for later this month. We will post details on that as soon as they become available. In the meantime, the thoughts and prayers of everyone here at Crave Online go out to Angelo’s family and to Josh and his family.


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