Today’s Funny Photos 11-17-17

All together now: Friday!!! That’s right, ladies and gentlemen, another workweek is in the books, and as always, we think you should celebrate by grabbing some of your best friends and enjoying our new batch of Funny Photos today. But if they invite you to hang out after work just make up an excuse because you’d rather stay in and binge on something on Netflix anyway. Hey, as you get older, that plan sounds better and better. But for now let’s all enjoy these funnies and our Friday — because this is the best way to head towards the weekend.

And don’t forget to follow more of Mandatory on Twitter and on Instagram.




And now that we’re speaking of mugs: So Your Office Coffee Mug Is Probably Covered In Poop




Don’t worry, we’re here for you so keep the laughs going on Page 2!