Twitter Roasts Girl For Taking Selfie With Blacked Out Naked Friend In The Back

Photo: Corbis/VCG (Getty)

Check your phone right now — how many selfies do you have? Tons I’m sure. But something tells me you don’t have a selfie with your naked friend, who is clearly blacked out, in the background. Well, the girl in this story does and Twitter isn’t happy.

A Twitter user decided to not only share a mirror shot of herself on Twitter, but to share it even though her naked friend is in the back, with her butt hanging out for all to see. Take a look at the tweet below.

Um, you should probably help your pal out, lady. That girl clearly had way too much to drink, but now she knows the girl she was with is not her friend at all — she’s just someone who will put her bare ass on the internet for all to see.

But don’t worry, because Twitter got to bashing the gal who took the photo.

And then there was this glorious exchange:

Wow. In conclusion, a true friend takes care of you when you’re blacked out, they don’t put your bare bum on Twitter. It’s that simple.

h/t Someecards

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