Dad Shames Son On Twitter After Finding His Fake ID In Hilarious Spot

Photo: Peter Dazeley (Getty)

Since I was a square growing up I was never interested in getting a fake ID. But there are tons of people out there under the age of 21 who are always trying to get their hand on a fake ID. One of those people? Wade Grundmeyer’s son.

Wade, of Belle Chasse, Louisiana, got quite the surprise when he not only learned that his son attempted to use a fake ID to buy booze at a liquor store, but that his dumb son was actually caught. And to make matters worse, his son’s ID was confiscated and hung in the store for all to see. But here is how Wade dealt with all of this.

Check out the tweet below:

“That Proud Dad Moment when you go to the Liquor Store and Find Your Sons Confiscated Fake ID Displayed on the Wall of Shame.” 

Then again, Wade looks pretty damn proud. And guess what? Wade had just wished his son a happy birthday just a few hours earlier.

And Twitter was loving all of this.

Drink responsibly, kids.

h/t Someecards

Never forget: Kid Dresses Up Like Mom In Last Ditch Effort To Buy Alcohol