Today’s Funny Photos 9-5-17

Man, the first day back from a long holiday weekend is a complete bummer, isn’t it? We go from being super happy that we don’t have to go to work and we can just sleep in, to having to wake up early and show up to work where we have to pretend to like the company of our coworkers. But guess what? At least we’re all in this together. And we know just how to make this first day back to work a tad easier: Funny Photos. See? Now that should put a smile on your face. So let’s kick this into gear. Enjoy the laughs!

And enjoy more of Mandatory by following us on Twitter and on Instagram.




And now you have to read this post right here, folks: These Folks Have Found The Most Hilarious Ways To Sneak Alcohol Into Events





And speaking of cats: Dog Lover Lives With His First Cat And Learns A Lot About Misery






And make sure to check out yesterday’s Funny Photos in case you missed them!


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