This Sign Advertising Syrup Of Course Looks NSFW To Us

Photo: Reddit

Just like that sign of that innocent bunny looked NSFW to us, this sign also looks NSFW. But we are not the only ones who see it as plenty of people on the internet agree.

A poorly designed sign has gone viral after it was shared on Reddit recently — a sign that was made a couple of years ago in order for tourists who visit Vermont could easily identify vendors of Vermont’s authentic maple syrup.

According to Seven Days, “no marketing firm or graphic designer has come forward to take credit, or blame, for the phallic faux pas.” And well, we can’t blame them. And here’s why. Take a look at the sign below.

This Sign Advertising Syrup Of Course Looks NSFW To Us

Photo: Reddit

You don’t have to look very long to see that this sign obviously looks like a dude standing over a bucket with his penis out, discharging right into the bucket. Thanks Vermont!

Now was it intentional? Regardless if it was or not it got people talking, so the sign did its job. Now, anyone in the mood to have some syrup discharged into their mouth? Anyone?

h/t Someecards

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