Today’s Funny Photos 3-30-17

Wow, so many people to thank: Michael, Andrea, Paul (but I call him Shumway, as I assume everyone does because that’s an awesome name), Jarrod with an “e,” Matty B and the Seven Dwarfs, Big Buss Man, Kar-stopher Walken – thank you all for making me believe in myself again. And just in case you got here late, maybe you should read the intro to yesterday’s funny photos like these fine folks did and take note. The slightest compliment can go a long way, which is why they’re getting major props today (or is it yesterday?). On that note, now that I know that everyone (seven people) actually reads my hilarious setups to the punchlines seen below, I present you all with the daily funny photos. You may begin browsing at your leisure.

**Bonus question for Facebook fans who read my intros (I know you all do): What fictional TV character from the ’80s had the real last name which is  shared by my main man Paul?**

Be sure to check Mandatory on Facebook and Twitter.

Today’s Funny Photos 3-30-17




And speaking of muscles: Weight Lifter Goes Bonkers On Woman After She Makes A Harmless Joke




No need to throw a tantrum, we have more funnies on Page 2!


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