Today’s Funny Photos 2-27-17

We all know what day it is, so perhaps it’s best to not even dignify it with a mention. After all, it’s only going to make you feel worse by saying the M-word out loud. But on the other hand, who are you? Garfield? Why does one particular day of the week get to dictate your mood? For that matter, why was a lazy, fatass cat so grumpy about Monday anyways? It’s not like anything particularly bad would ever happen to him other than an occasional pie to the face at the very mention of the day. And again, he’s a fat shit cat, so wouldn’t he welcome such free treats? Hell, wouldn’t he enjoy Monday’s more because of them?

You know what, I’m doing that thing where I dig way too deep into a side tangent again. Today isn’t about Garfield and how mediocre the comic strip is in general (although, face it, it’s terrible). Today is about funny photos, and we’ve got 15 of them about to fire at your face like a rogue Monday pie right now.

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Today’s Funny Photos 2-27-17

At least no one drew on them (or worse) like these poor souls: 14 Pranks On People Who Probably Shouldn’t Have Passed Out At The Party

Also: The Definitive Ranking Of nWo Wrestlers

You can never fill up on funnies, so why not give last Friday’s batch a go?


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