Today’s Funny Photos 2-24-17

“And just like that…” it’s Friday. Why did we put quotes around the first part? We’ll tell you when you’re older. Like, 15 seconds older. Or however long it takes you to read yet another one of our hilarious, insightful, and most importantly, rambling intros. Also, we won’t so much tell you as you’ll just figure it out. In fact, the odds are your peripheral vision has already cracked the case for you.

Today’s funny photos are the best we were able to sniff out from across the web. So if you’re into memes, funny yearbook quotes, and the occasional woman with at least four boobs, you’ve come to the right place. If not, then you’ll probably still fair just fine. It’s not like you have to specifically be into those particulars to enjoy what you’re about to see.

Be sure to check Mandatory on Facebook and Twitter.

Today’s Funny Photos 2-24-17

Also: Ever Wonder What Disney Princesses Would Look Like As Potatoes?

If you put all things “INTERNET” on a pedestal, then this week’s funniest GIFs from around the web should be right up your alley.

Speaking of not needing to be in order, check out yesterday’s funny photos. We swear there is no connection to today’s batch.