This Dude’s Dad Had An Incredible Idea So He Wouldn’t Ever Fight With His Girlfriend About Dinner Again

Photo: Facebook/Jared Baker

While everyone can’t be as decisive as this guy was when it came to free birthday goodies, it does seem like a lot of women have trouble deciding what they want to eat – so much so that it sometimes creates arguments filled with offensive insults. You know, the usual. But thanks to one very smart dad, that might not be an issue anymore moving forward.

Jared Baker, a 20-year-old college student from Georgia has his dad Jerry to thank for perhaps coming up with the perfect solution for dinner fights with the misses. It all began when Jared and his dad were joking about how they couldn’t ever decide on where to go to eat when they are taking a woman on a date.

“He told me he had an idea,” Jared said. And well, this was Jerry’s idea. Take a look at what Jared got in the mail from his dad thanks to Jared’s Twitter below.

This Dude’s Dad Had An Incredible Idea So He Wouldn’t Ever Fight With His Girlfriend About Dinner Again