Today’s Funny Photos 12-19-16

This is going to be a rough one. Just last Friday I was telling you all how pumped I was — so pumped I was actually singing Rebecca Black’s “Friday.” But there isn’t a catchy song involving the day Monday. OK, there is, but I’m not in a mood to sing any of them. Well, maybe I’ll hum “Manic Monday” by The Bangles, but that’s it! This day doesn’t deserve much more than that. But you folks do, you keep us afloat, only to bring us back down again, but we appreciate that. And because of that, let’s reward you all with some more Funny Photos.

Because if there is one thing that is scientifically proven to cure a case of the Mondays it’s Funny Photos. I swear that’s scientifically proven. I think Neil deGrasse Tyson said so. Anyway, enjoy these laughs once again.





Guess what else is waiting for you? More of our Funny Photos.





That sounds as delightful as more of our Funny Photos, no?






Freeze! Did you check out last Friday’s Funny Photos yet?