People Are Pissed At This Nativity Scene Featuring Nothing By Dildos

Photo: NBC

Listen, is it common for you to see dildos and the birth of Jesus Christ together in one scene? Nope, but a sex shop in Spain sure did try.

While this goat wasn’t a fan of the nativity scene he was a part of, and this hipster nativity scene caused some stir, a nativity scene in Spain has been causing a lot of controversy.

Non Sit Peccatum, a sex shop in the town of Talavera in Spain, decided to shake things up a bit by showcasing the birth of JC using nothing but dildos.

Photo: Facebook

Héctor Valdivielso, the shop’s owner, commissioned an artist to paint Jesus, Mary and Joseph on ceramic dildos, but people were quick to bash him.

“A man with his wife ordered me to remove the offending scene and said that if I didn’t he would remove it himself,” Valdivielso reveals on his Facebook. The shop owner even says people have vandalized his shop, writing the word “Sinners.” People, JC was into sex, too, I’m sure, relax yourselves.

Valdivielso has also been harassed – all this because of a few dildos.

“It was affecting my business,” explained Valdivielso. “Who wants to come to a store like this to hear a sermon?”. No one, dude, we come to a store like this to come. Wait, never mind.

As of today, Valdivielso has removed the dildos, but has replaced it with a poster inviting folks to vote on whether he should reinstate it.

Photo: Facebook

It seems like 79% think the dildos should stay (I know some Spanish, don’t worry).

Good luck, dildos. Good luck.

h/t The Local

Keep the dildos away from this dude: Dude Admits To Destroying Ex-Girlfriend’s Dildo Claiming ‘She Loved It More Than Me’