Now People Can’t Agree On What Color These Flip-Flops Actually Are

Photo: travenian (Getty)

What is wrong with us? Besides everything that is. Why do we do this to ourselves with these debates? Entertainment? Drama? A little of both? Anyway, here’s another one.

Since it seems the country is currently split down the middle, it seems this will split us even more, obviously. As if the dress debate and the leg debate wasn’t enough, we now have another one for you thanks to a pair of sandals.

So what color are the sandals below? Blue and black or white and gold? Check it out below thanks to Twitter:

Now People Can’t Agree On What Color These Flip-Flops Actually Are

Here’s a closer look for you folks:

Photo: Twitter

I personally see blue and black, as I’m sure that the majority of people see the same. But there are some folks that see white and gold. And then there are some folks that can’t see the flip-flips at all. Sorry, Stevie.

So, debate with your friend over what color these flip-flops are, and by the end of it a friendship will be broken forever.


h/t The LAD Bible

Here’s another: People On The Internet Can’t Tell If This Image Is NSFW Or Not