Scottish Girl’s ‘Allergic Reaction’ Snapchat Prank Sends Mom Into Panic Mode

Well that’s a quick way to send mom to the hospital.

With all the easy editing you can do nowadays, it is easy to get a quick laugh from people if you mess with your photo. However, someone apparently didn’t tell that to Claire Maughan’s mother. Claire’s mom almost lost her mind when her daughter sent her a photo of herself looking like she just had a severe allergic reaction. This is the photo that Claire sent her mom, a photo she also shared on Twitter:

Yeah, that would freak anyone out, especially a parent. Claire then shared her mom’s reaction to the photo with the Internet when she posted it on Twitter:

No word yet if Claire’s mom actually called the ambulance, but here’s hoping she didn’t need one herself after suffering a heart attack.

And if you’re wondering what Claire looks like when she doesn’t look like an allergic reaction is about to kill her, here she is thanks to a normal picture on her Twitter:

h/t The Sun

No allergic reaction needed: How To Trick Your Mom When You Go To Your Friend’s Unsupervised House