Girl Shoots Down Guy On Text With Cruelest Photo Possible (NSFW)

There are many ways to pursue someone and let them know you’re interested in them. The guy below, named Connor, went the “continue to text and annoy her enough to reply” route. This is a fine route to take if, say, the only other option is to show up at her house naked and hope she sees you’re willing to go the extra mile (while you point at your penis).

Fortunately for Connor, he didn’t pick option two. Unfortunately for Connor, he got a pretty brutal response from the girl he continued to text over and over.

Let’s first get a little explanation from Connor:

“She was really drunk when we met. We made out and I got her number then went our separate ways. I will admit I was kind of being a creep. I don’t date much, so in my mind I thought we clicked. I looked back and laugh at it now.”

And here’s the exchange:

Well, I don’t think Connor expected that. Then again, I don’t think Erica expected to have her face on the Internet while a guy who has an affinity for necklaces from the Ron Jon Surf Shop hangs out inside her.

Moral of the story: never text someone “last night was off the chains.”

Via Viral Thread

Now let’s flip it: Ex-Girlfriend Wants To Work Things Out, Gets Brutal Response From Boyfriend


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