Your Ears Deserve New Earbuds, And These HD Wireless Ones Are On Sale Today 

Stop what you’re doing right now and take a look at your headphones. Are they delivering beautiful wireless sound with zero knotted wires you’ll never bother untangling? Are they blocking out the world around you completely with solid noise cancellation? Are they delivering crystal clear audio that makes your favourite artists and podcasters sound as if they’re awkwardly right in the room with you? 

If not, throw them away right now and get on this best-in-class deal: we’ve found the impressive Earin True Wireless Earbuds on sale today with 5% off, for $189 (regular price $199). 

We hate to break it to you, but wired headphones are not yet vintage enough to be retro-cool, but just old enough to be annoying. The future is wireless – and you can do no better to embrace it than with Earin’s true wireless offering, which features absolutely no cables or wires, instead connecting via Bluetooth to your devices. That also means no mess in your pocket, no awkward moments spent fumbling untying your headphones, and no more nagging about the state of all the wires on your desk. Sounds good, right? 

It sounds even better, literally, thanks to the HD audio these cans deliver. Size doesn’t matter – especially with the punch these earbuds pack. Boasting impressive high-precision balanced armature speakers for ultimate acoustic detail and clarity, these headphones may be engineered to be small and light, but they also deliver immersive sound directly into your brain hole (FYI: we’re not totally sure on the biology of it. They sound great though).

And though we haven’t hijacked your webcam or suddenly gained psychic abilities, we can guarantee that these look better than the headphones which have seen better days that you’re currently using – from the streamlined buds themselves to the sleek aluminium charging case they come with, which also charges your buds when not in use. Yep: that means no wires tangled in your pocket, ever again. And no good excuses for losing them. 

Get the Earin True Wireless Earbuds, which come with their own aluminium charging case, on sale today for $189 – that’s 5% off the regular price of $199. 

Prices subject to change.