The Legend of Zelda Orchestra Performs Beautiful Medley on Stephen Colbert’s Late Night Show

Stephen Colbert is representing video games quite a lot on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, having recently had No Man’s Sky’s creator take him on a guided tour throughout the game’s incredible procedural-generated universe, and now hosting a beautiful performance from orchestra The Legend of Zelda: Symphony of the Goddesses

The performance, held to mark the upcoming release of the 3DS game The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes, spanned the entirety of the Nintendo franchises’ illustrious life span, with clips of Link’s various adventures in Hyrule playing on large screens in the background. For Zelda fans, or fans of video games in general, it’s a must-watch and offers a great insight into the scale of the soundtracks featured in the medium when you behold the 70-plus piece orchestra packed into the TV studio.

Take a look below:

It’s also worth noting that the video’s description goes some way to significantly undermining the achievements of the orchestra, with it reading: “Rejoice, nerds! This is the music that awaits you in heaven.” Geddit? Because people who like playing video games a nerds? Ha ha, oh my sides are splitting!

Way to stay classy, Colbert’s social media team.

The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes will release on October 23rd.