Watch The First Teaser Trailer For The Guardians of The Galaxy Animated Series

Before 2008, Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy were a bunch of lesser known superheroes who lived in an alternate far future. Seven years ago, writers Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning created a new Guardians of the Galaxy team with little-used Marvel characters Star-Lord, Drax the Destroyer, Gamora, Rocket Racoon, Groot, and a few other heroes who haven’t made the leap to the big screen.

One gigantic blockbuster film later, everyone knows who the Guardians of the Galaxy are. They are the stars of Marvel’s biggest sci-fi franchise for the next several years. And to keep the franchise active before Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 hits in May 2017, Marvel is making its team of unlikely heroes into its newest animated stars.

The first episode of the Guardians of the Galaxy animated series was screened at Comic-Con International earlier this month. But now, IGN has debuted the first teaser trailer for the series, as it offers up a very brief glimpse of what fans can expect to see. And I mean brief!

None of the actors from the Guardians of the Galaxy movie are reprising their roles for the animated series. But there is a very solid cast in place, led by Will Friedle as Star-Lord, Vanessa Marshall as Gamora, David Sobolov as Drax, Trevor Devall as Rocket, Kevin Michael Richardson as Groot and James Arnold Taylor as Yondu and Cosmo. Ifg you don’t know who Cosmo is, he’s the dog in the Cosmonaut suit licking the Collector’s face at the end of the live-action film. Cosmo can speak telepathically, and he is by all accounts, “a good boy!”

Guardians of the Galaxy will premiere on Disney XD on September 26.