Ian MacKaye Has Dug Up A Fan Letter Written By 14-Year-Old Dave Grohl

Once upon a time, there lived a young lad with big dreams named David Eric Grohl. And before he would go on to embrace his ultimate destiny as the drummer for Nirvana, frontman of Foo Fighters, good mate of Sir Paul McCartney and rock n’ roll’s one true Messiah, Dave Grohl was a gawky teenager with a bit of a mullet who was desperately trying to find inroads into the music industry. And now, at last, we have historical proof.

It appears a 14-year-old Dave Grohl once penned a slap-shod letter to Minor Threat (and, later, Fugazi) frontman, Ian MacKaye – a letter which McKaye decided to keep (nawww!), and which he has just unearthed for the world to behold.

Foo Fighters have also posted a photo of the letter on their official Twitter page, along with the descriptor, “Look what my hero Ian MacKaye (Minor Threat/Fugazi) just found: a letter I wrote to him when I was 14! Haha!”

The letter from the teenage Foo Fighter opens with the statement “Good Thrash”, before asking MacKaye for the phone numbers of industry people Grohl might be able to get in touch with.

Just make sure you call him exclusively between the hours of 3pm and 10pm, Ian Mackaye. Little Davey has school, after all.