This Video Shows What Adventuring is Like in Final Fantasy XV

Final Fantasy XV isn’t just a beautiful game, it’s one that pushes the level of exploration to a whole new level for the Final Fantasy franchise. If you’re like the many of us who were disappointed by Final Fantasy XIII‘s claustrophobically linear nature, you might just be surprised to see what the next title has in store.

Above is a video that showcases more than five minutes of gameplay from Final Fantasy XV. But instead of highlighting action-oriented moments like its first gameplay debut, it’s all about what you spend most of your time doing in the game: adventuring. You get to see raw footage of what could be mistaken as Skyrim due the game’s expansive open-world and dark dungeons.

It’s worth mentioning that you can travel the world on foot, train, or in a car. These several modes of transportation are important, as the world is said to be tremendously large.

Related: Here’s a Screenshot and Description of Final Fantasy XV’s Level Up System

Recently, Final Fantasy XV‘s level up menu leaked. Instead of letting you level up after battles, it has you visit campfires to apply your experience and make decisions, not too far removed by the Souls series. This bold new leveling system in addition to the surprising level of exploration are just two reasons that Final Fantasy XV is shaping up to be the shake-up the franchise has needed for some time.

Final Fantasy XV is scheduled to release in 2016. A demo will be included with copies of FInal Fantasy Type-0 HD.