12 Things Katy Perry’s Super Bowl Halftime Show Was Clearly Inspired By

Lions, sharks, acrobats and fireworks, oh my.

Katy Perry‘s halftime performance at Super Bowl XLIX exceeded the hype-wave, and though though the Patriots would go on to win through a horrifically bad final-moments play call, Perry delivered one hell of a performance with some help from Lenny Kravitz, Missy Elliott and a visual display that was, to say the least, all over the goddamn place.

But it was fun, and flashy, and that’s just how we like it. Naturally, by the time her performance was finished an internet flood of meme-worthy images and comparisons on her set design and fashion choices had been unleashed. Here are a few of the more entertaining selections, from Bam Bam Bigelow to Guy Fieri and back again:


We still can’t tell whether or not she threw some ultra-subtle shade at Taylor Swift, but that’s for the Etsy fairies to decide.

Still haven’t had your fill of Super Bowl coverage? Check out Crave’ complete coverage at the game on our Super Bowl hub!


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