Interstellar & Terminator Controversies on Most Craved

We already live in an age where we let the things we love define us. But what about the things we WANT to love, but haven’t seen yet?

What is it that leads internet commentators to defend a film like Interstellar – the hotly anticipated sci-fi epic from Dark Knight director Christopher Nolan – from the critics who have suggested that it’s not perfect? Even though those same commenters haven’t even seen Interstellar and don’t know if it’s any good?


Related: ‘Interstellar’ Review: Galaxy of Error


That sounds like fodder for Most Craved, the weekly web series in which Silas Lesnick of Coming Soon, Jenna Busch of Legion of Leia and William Bibbiani of CraveOnline take a hard look at what’s trending… and (t)rend it limb from limb.

But wait, there’s more! The plot for the sequel/prequel/reboot Terminator: Genisys has finally been revealed, and it’s… really dumb? That’s what the internet is saying, but does this “expectation” issue go both ways? Are fans of the Terminator franchise rushing to judgment, or has this once venerable franchise finally disintegrated like Alien or Die Hard before it?



Most Craved has the answers, or at least it’s asking the right questions. Keep the debate going all week long by following your hosts at @SilasLesnick, @JennaBusch and @WilliamBibbiani, and go ahead and use the hashtag #MostCraved. 

We’ll be back next week with more trends and more controversies, courtesy of CraveOnline, Legion of Leia and Coming Soon


William Bibbiani is the editor of CraveOnline’s Film Channel and the host of The B-Movies Podcast and The Blue Movies Podcast. Follow him on Twitter at @WilliamBibbiani.