Gamescom 2014: A Compilation of Everything Sony and Microsoft Announced and Showed

This year’s Gamescom is turning out to be one of the largest ever, especially for Sony and Microsoft. With publishers running around making claims that Germany’s gaming mecca is as big as E3 itself, you can expect the onslaught of info to continue to pour in. First, though, it’s important to take stock.

With the press conferences of the big two out of the way (Nintendo is slated to appear via its traditional online streams in the coming days), we now have a pretty clear idea of which games we can expect to see on the show floor. There were some pretty awesome and unexpected announcements thrown in there too — read on to see for yourself.

Sony’s Press Conference

PS4 System Update 2.0 is coming this Fall

Shareplay and YouTube on PS4 have finally landed. Check out the post on the official PlayStation Blog for all the details.


Destiny’s first expansion will launch in December, is timed exclusive

Destiny’s expansion is titled The Dark Below. As with the game’s exclusive content, including weapons and even maps, it’ll be timed exclusive for PS3 and PS4. Meanwhile, Destiny itself is the most preordered new IP of all time at GameStop.


DayZ confirmed for PS4

The online survival-horror game with over a million active players is headed to PS4 where it’ll supposedly be console exclusive. It won’t be available for a couple years, but could be a big deal given the game’s prominence.


Hellblade revealed for PS4

Heavenly Sword developer Ninja Theory is bringing its new melee ninja fighter to PS4, complete with “brutal, uncompromising combat.”


PS4 has sold 10 million units

Keep up, Nintendo and Microsoft. PS4 has somehow managed to move more than one million units per month since it released, and the momentum doesn’t appear to be slowing.


Journey and The Unfinished Swan will be remade on PS4

Two of 2012’s best games (one of which scored multiple GotY victories) are coming to PS4 thanks to Armature Studio and Tricky Pixels.


Counter Spy is also coming to PS4

A Team Fortress 2 style 2D stealth shooter coming to PS3, PS4, and Vita, developed by Dynamighty.


A game by Rayman’s creator called Wild is PS4 exclusive

A PS4 exclusive, Wild is an online survival adventure game being headed up by Rayman creator Michel Ancel and his indie team Wild Sheep Studio. The game takes place 10,000 years ago, so don’t expect any modern conveniences.


Alienation announced for PS4

The trailer doesn’t offer a whole lot to go by, but we do know that Alienation is being developed by the folks who brought us Resogun, and that it offers some ridiculously hectic onscreen action.


Tearaway coming to PS4 with Tearaway Unfolded

A new game from Media Molecule (not a Vita port), Tearaway Unfolded looks to offer all the beauty and clever puzzles of its predecessor, in home console form. So this is what it’s been working on lately…


In Space We Brawl announced

A muliplayer space shooter for PS3 and PS4, with an extremely silly trailer. It looks fun, but “impressive” is a stretch from what we know so far.


Driveclub gets a new trailer

More flashy rubber-burning to get you amped for Sony and Evolution Studios’ latest. The trailer shows off the Challenge system and the flexibility it offers online.


Until Dawn re-announced for PS4

A game where you must, well, survive until dawn! Sony says the game will offer “chilling horror.” That, of course, remains to be seen.


P.T. is now on PS Store, is actually a demo for next-gen Silent Hill

Initially announced as an interactive demo for PS4 owners to enjoy for free, it turns out that it’s actually a demo for an upcoming Silent Hill game. Titled Silent Hills, it’s being made by some big names including Hideo Kojima and Guillermo Del Toro. If you enjoy horror games, today is a good day for you.


Metal Gear Solid V gets a new trailer

Essentially a recap of some features of the infamous cardboard box, as shown previously at E3. There are a few morsels of new information to be seen as well, like pasting an image of supermodel on the box’s side to attract foes. *Sigh*


The Order: 1866 gets a new trailer

This game’s premise is awesome. Its visuals are awesome. But is it awesome to play? I sure hope so. And so does Sony.


Bloodborne gameplay and graphics shown off

We all know Bloodborne will be incredible; the heritage of the Souls series basically ensures it. Still, there’s nothing like a new trailer to stir the hype pot.


LittleBigPlanet 3 gets a new trailer

It’s not developed by Media Molecule, but it still looks darn nice. The series’ creation tools are looking more comprehensive than ever before.


The Tomorrow Children Announced for PS4

I don’t doubt this game will be fun, but pimping it as yet another “PS4 exclusive!!!” seems a little much. It looks far from finished. The end of the trailer is nice and creepy-cool, though.


The Vanishing of Ethan Carter announced

Another creepy new PS4 game, this time from The Astronauts. Ghost and ghouls and lots of things that resemble Murdered: Soul Suspect. Stay tuned.


Volume announced

Thomas Was Alone developer Mike Bithell’s next game is Volume, and it seems pretty interesting. Pity the trailer doesn’t tell us a whole lot. We will be able to “steal, create, and be heard” though.

<< On the next page we look at Microsoft’s showing! >>


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