Nintendo Makes Cross-Buy Purchases Available on Wii U and 3DS

Nintendo has made a huge step in the right direction by finally bringing out a game that will feature a cross-buy promotion.

Those who purchase Squids Odyssey on 3DS will receive a code to download the game from the European Nintendo eShop for free. PlayStation has been offering cross-buy releases between its console and handheld platforms for a while now, but this is the first time Nintendo has followed suit. While this is only available to European customers, and does not offer a free 3DS code of the game for those who purchase the Wii U version, it is a sign that Nintendo is listening to its fans and finally adopting cross-buy into its business strategy.

While Squids Odyssey is a relatively low-key title to begin Nintendo’s foray into cross-buy, we can but hope that this opens the door for the company to offer this promotion with other cross-platform games. It’s perhaps too much of a stretch to predict that the Wii U and 3DS versions of the upcoming Super Smash Bros. will feature cross-buy, but a guy can dream, can’t he?

For what it’s worth, Squids Odyssey looks like a wonderfully adorable blend of action strategy/RPG, and has even been compared to the mighty Final Fantasy Tactics. So if Final Fantasy with added cephalopods is your thing, then you might want to consider picking this up.


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