E3 2014: Ubisoft Teases Tom Clancy’s The Division with Trailer

Tom Clancy’s The Division could very well become one of next-gen’s first showcases. Everything seen from it up to this point has made it look like the third-person shooter that dreams are made of, with some already saying it’s “too good to be true”. Can it show what the Xbox One and PS4 are really capable of?

Ubisoft plans to show a lot more of The Division at E3, and has teased that with a new trailer. Sure, it’s only 49 seconds long, but it’s basically a teaser for a teaser. You can view the trailer above.

The Division is all about strategic gameplay in an engrossing online world, although it has plenty of heavy action sequences. It’ll be the first game to run on the Snowdrop Engine which has shown lots of promise since its debut. It’s unlikely that this will be the last we see of Snowdrop.


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