In Only Three Weeks Titanfall Sold Over 925,000 Physical Copies in the U.S.

EA revealed during today’s investor call that Titanfall managed to sell 925,000 physical copies during its first three weeks on the market. As great as that figure is, it only includes physical copies sold in the U.S. Any digital sales or purchases made in other countries haven’t been accounted for.

Unsurprising, most of the sales of Titanfall have been on Xbox One. Microsoft’s heavy investment has given a handsome return with 7 out of every 10 Xbox One consoles sold in March being a Titanfall Bundle. Furthermore, Titanfall has an attachment rate of around 25%.

EA has been tight-lipped about Titanfall‘s sales until now, making it seem like it might not be proud of its performance. Nonetheless, the game has presumably broken the million sales mark despite being a new IP. Respawn Entertainment should be proud of themselves.

Titanfall‘s first DLC pack, called Expedition, will arrive sometime this month. It’ll offer three new maps and coincide with a free update.