This Week’s Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls Update Buffs Crusaders [UPDATE]

Update: The official patch notes are now available.

Original Story: If you’ve been playing Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls‘ new Crusader class, at least at higher levels, you’ve probably noticed that it isn’t performing well. Nerfs deployed at launch to quell complaints of the class being overpowered during beta have rendered it far less potent. Some argue that it’s the least powerful class in the game next to Monk.

Blizzard has been analyzing data and trying to come up with a clever way to make Crusader as effective and fun to play as possible without making it a god tier class. Tomorrow’s update will usher it part of the way toward achieving balance, starting with some significant changes to Wrath generations and Steed Charge. These changes could be what Crusader fans have been waiting for.

As seen in the 2.0.4 patch notes below, Crusader isn’t the only class being affected. Witch Doctors are having their fire spells buffed, and Wizards will have a longer distance teleport. There’s a little something for everyone.


  • Bash – Now deals 215% weapon damage (up from 170%).
  • Onslaught: Now does an additional 100% (up from 80%).
  • Clobber: Now has a 35% chance to stun (up from 30%).
  • Weapon Throw – Now deals 185% weapon damage (up from 150%).
  • Mighty Throw: Increase damage to 270% weapon damage (up from 210%).
  • Throwing Hammer: Now has a 40% chance to stun (up from 30%).
  • Frenzy – Now deals 155% weapon damage (up from 120%).

Demon Hunter

  • Hungering Arrow – Now deals 155% weapon damage (up from 125%).
  • Evasive Fire – Primary enemy is now hit for 200% weapon damage (up from 160%). Secondary enemies are hit for 100% weapon damage (up from 80%).
  • Covering Fire: Increases damage of secondary bolts to 200% weapon damage (up from 160%).


  • Unity – Tooltip now states that it has a maximum of 20% (This was already in affect via a hotfix)

Witch Doctor

  • Poison Dart – Now deals 185% weapon damage (up from 155%).
  • Flaming Dart: Now deals 425% weapon damage (up from 275%).
  • Splinters: Now deals 110% weapon damage (up from 65%)
  • Spined Dart: Now Gains 50 mana (up from 25).
  • Snake to the Face: Now has a 35% chance (up from 25%).
  • Corpse Spiders – Now deals 324% weapon damage (up from 216%).
  • Blazing Spiders: Now deals 400% weapon damage (up from 259%).
  • Leaping Spiders: Now deals 382% weapon damage (up from 238%).
  • Haunt – Now costs 50 mana (down from 200). Now deals 4000% weapon damage (up from 1465%). Now deals the damage over 12 seconds (up from 6).
  • Draining Spirit: Now returns 12 mana (Down from 25).
  • Firebomb
  • Pyrogeist: Now deals 880% weapon damage (up from 560%).


  • Arcane Torrent Power Stone  Tooltip now has the word “you” added.
  • Teleport – Now works 50 yards away (up from 35).


  • Lord Commander – The cooldown of Steed Charge is now reduced by 25% (changed from 5 seconds), and Bombardment by 35% (changed from 20 seconds).
  • Blessed Shield – Now deals 340% weapon damage (up from 280%).
  • Staggering Shield: Now has a 35% chance to stun (up from 25%).
  • Combust: Now deals 270% weapon damage (up from 105%).
  • Sweep Attack – Now deals 440% weapon damage (up from 400%).
  • Heaven’s Fury
  • Fires of Heaven: Now deals 735% weapon damage (down from 950%).
  • Phalanx – Now deals 380% weapon damage (up from 295%).
  • Bowmen: Now deals 160% weapon damage (up from 85%).
  • Shield Charge: Now deals 180% weapon damage (up from 75%).
  • Stampede: Now deals 380% weapon damage (up from 295%). Now has a 30% chance to stun (up from 25%).
  • Bodyguard: Now deals 285% weapon damage (up from 200%).
  • Fist of the Heavens – Now deals 340% weapon damage (up from 250%) Each bolt now deals 340% weapon damage (up from 210%).
  • Fissure: Now deals 400% weapon damage (up from 80%).
  • Divine Well: Now has an 18 yard distance (up from 12). Now deals 80% weapon damage (up from 14%)
  • Blessed Hammer
  • Burning Wrath: Scorched ground now deals 150% weapon damage (up from 95%).
  • Shield Bash – The datamined values for base shield bash where pulling up the same as the new pound rune, so they have been removed for now. There is a good chance the base ability was buffed.
  • Crumble: Now deals 660% weapon damage (up from 550%).
  • Shattered Shield: Now deals 380% weapon damage (up from 325%) plus 335% of your shield’s block chance (up from 300%).
  • Pound: Now deals 740% weapon damage (up from 550%) plus 500% of shield’s block chance (up from 150%).
  • Steed Charge – Cooldown is now 16 seconds (down from 25). Now lasts for 1.5 seconds (down from 2).
  • Ramming Speed: Now deals 515% weapon damage (up from 475).
  • Endurance: Now increase duration to 2 seconds (down from 3)
  • Draw and Quarter: Now deals 185% weapon damage (up from 125%).
  • Falling Sword
  • Rise Brothers: Possible change here, however diffs have an error and are outputting 0%.
  • Punish Now deals 270% weapon damage (up from 200%).
  • Retaliate: Now deals 94% weapon damage (up from 70%).
  • Justice – Now deals 240% weapon damage (up from 175%).
  • Sword of Justice: Now gains 3% movement speed (up from 2%).
  • Hammer of Pursuit: Now deals 300% weapon damage (up from 200).
  • Burst: Now deals 30% weapon damage (up from 25%).

[Via: Diablo 3 Fans]


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