Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition Sells 69% of Copies on PS4, 31% on Xbox One

It wasn’t long ago that we learned Lara Croft’s adventure on PS4 would be a more visually pleasing experience on PS4 than Xbox One. What we weren’t sure of is how much of an impact it would have on sales figures. Well, the early sales are in, and they say all that needs to be said.

As covered by VideoGamer, Chart-Track indicates that 69% of Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition sales were on PS4. The other 31% of the purchases were made of the Xbox One version.

The PS4 already has a larger install base than that of the Xbox One which does give it an advantage in software sales. However, the discrepancy here is enormous, and shows that many consumers find value in a superior multiplatform title.

Sony’s decision to go with a gaming focused console has paid off so far with record sales and a strong foothold in the console market. This is a trend that will likely continue throughout the generation. The only question is how large the discrepancy will be as time goes on and developers become more familiar with both consoles.


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