Pokemon X & Y Shows Off New Starters and their Evolved Forms in Trailer

Chespin, Fennekin, and Froakie will be the three selectable starter pokemon in Pokemon X & Y. While they’ll help in getting your adventure started, if you want them to grow to their full potential they’ll need to evolve.

Nintendo has released a new trailer which debuts the evolved forms of all three of Pokemon X & Y‘s starter pocket monsters, which are:

  • Quilladin – Evolves from Chespin. A Grass-type that knows the move Mud Shot, which is effective against Fire-type Pokemon.
  • Braixen – Evolves from Fennekin’s. A Fire-type that knows the move Psyshock, which is effective against Special Defense-equipped Pokemon.
  • Frogadier – Evolves from Froakie. A Water-type that knows Bounce, which is effective against Grass-type Pokemon.

See them in action along with other interesting pokemon below:

So, who will you start with? Let us know in the comments below.


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