top gun: maverick

Mandatory Movie Battles: ‘Top Gun: Maverick’ vs. ‘Top Gun’

When it comes to legacy sequels, the good ones are few and far between. Sure, you have something like A Good Day to Die Hard more often than not. But on rare occasions, you get something such as Blade Runner 2049 – a movie that lives up to the promise of the original. The conventional wisdom says that most legacy sequels are doomed to fail despite the outcome. Once in a while, however, the exception to the rule is proven, like with Top Gun: Maverick

Released 36 years after the original, Top Gun: Maverick has had a long road to the big screen. The movie was in the works for over a decade! Was the wait worth it? Does Tom Cruise still have drawing power outside of the Mission: Impossible franchise? Did the new film, um, top the original? Let’s find out.

Cover Photo: Paramount

It’s true that Top Gun: Maverick is a crowd-pleasing film that reminds us why we go to the movies. More interestingly, the movie grapples with some crucial questions: Is there even a place in this world for movie stars like Tom Cruise anymore? Can they stay relevant in the modern age? The answer to both is a resounding yes. Top Gun: Maverick is the Skyfall of Tom Cruise’s movie career, ultimately proving movie stars still have drawing power at the cinema. 

Overall Winner: Top Gun: Maverick