10 Red Hot Predictions For How the Final Season of ‘Better Call Saul’ Goes Down

When Better Call Saul first sputtered onto TV screens back in 2015, nobody expected much. Fans of Breaking Bad balked, wondering why a spinoff had even materialized – a prequel no less. We asked ourselves: How could a show no one asked for up the ante on Albuquerque’s finest?

To this day, a group of holdouts living in a bunker somewhere refuses to watch the misadventures of Jimmy McGill. They jadedly bristle with theories about how a prequel to the greatest show ever made is nothing short of sacrilege. We know this because there was a time when we dwelt amongst them.

And yet, after five triumphant seasons with little fanfare, the case has been made that Better Call Saul is holier than its predecessor. A towering drama of epic proportions ripe with nuanced plotlines and character development equal to anything Breaking Bad ever cooked up. And that’s saying a whole helluva lot.

Now, after a grueling two-year wait, the sixth and final season is upon us. (For those who are keeping score, that’s one more than Breaking Bad – the tie-breaker.) And with shit very much poised to hit the fan, the two-part season which premieres April 18, promises to be an unforgettable ride.

Quench your McGills on this titillating first-look trailer from the lovely folks at AMC. Then jump right into our top ten predictions for how the Cinnabon crumbles for Jimmy and associates. But hurry, the end is near.

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Cover Photo: Ben Leuner (AMC)


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