socially responsible corporations
ALEXANDRIA, VA - APRIL 20, 2018: A business sign hangs over the entrance to a Ben & Jerry's ice cream shop in the Old Town section of Alexandria, Virginia. (Photo by Robert Alexander/Getty Images)

Socially Responsible Major Corporations (We Suppose) Deserve Some Kind Of Ovation 

Photo: Robert Alexander (Getty)

When it comes to socially-responsible praise, rarely would you imagine people saluting major corporations. Yet, here we are. Since most of these companies (we guess) deserve some form of standing (or sitting) ovation, we figure there’s nothing like a well-deserved butt-kissing for the man every once in a super blood red moon eclipse.


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Aside from awesome apparel made from plastic pollution, Adidas has started a new Run for the Oceans campaign — an upcoming LA marathon — which is set to donate up to $1 million to fight marine plastic pollution.


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While Patagonia is into 30-day challenges — much like our June throw-away cup challenge —  the company is doing more than just that. Their Action Works page connects environmentally with land, water, biodiversity, climate and community issues, including saving the rainforests.


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You wouldn’t know it unless we told you (or you were really into reading charts), but Google is actually ahead of Amazon, Microsoft and even the US Department of Defense in terms of purchasing renewable energy with a goal of 100 percent electric accountability. What does that mean? Beats the hell out of us. But all kidding aside, it means that for every ounce (or however you measure it) of energy used, Google has invested in solar and wind power to cover it. Impressive

Ben & Jerry’s

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The revival of the Poor People’s Campaign — 50 years in the making and inspired by the announcement by Martin Luther King Jr. for his plans to combat poverty — is a timely move by Ben & Jerry’s. Timely in a sense that we are in need a racial, social and economic (not to mention political) change now more than ever.

Reverend Barber, who spearheads the revival, claims that “love is the greatest power to sustain the fight for what is right.” Well, that, and a pint of Chunky Monkey.

Levi Strauss

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“It’s not rocket science, but it’s innovative.” That’s how Levi Strauss cleverly defines their water-less process when it comes to crafting their denim. People like Kate Nelson know how much water goes into a pair of jeans, but thanks to Levi’s revolutionary and sustainable efforts — not to mention their attempts to fight climate change and support for people living with AIDS — your momma’s jeans will never be quite the same.


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While most companies boast about their energy efficiency (which Microsoft surely does as well), they’re also boosting communities around them. Standing by and fighting alongside folks of the LGQT community during pride month is just one prominent example.

The company is also noted for having a giving program that’s raised nearly $2 billion for the future of technology and education.

Warby Parker

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While not every company that claims to do a “one for me, one for you” policy upholds the promise, Warby Parker is doing their part. Not only that, the hip, revolutionary eyewear company has donated nearly 4 million pairs of glasses to those in need since its start. In addition, they’ve expanded to a partnership with New York City to get critical eye service for more than 100K students in New York community schools.


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Future president Jeff Bezos has a laundry list of charitable work the little-known company of Amazon is up to. We’re most interested in AmazonSmile, the post-purchase pop-up allowing users to buy Amazon products at the same price, while donating 0.5% of the purchase to a charitable organization of your choice. Kudos, Bezos.