Carrie Fisher And Harrison Ford Did The Sex A Lot During ‘Star Wars’


In her new book she really wants you to buy, The Princess DiaristCarrie Fisher reveals she banged Harrison Ford a bunch during filming of Star Wars in 1976. Fisher was 19 at the time. Ford was 33 and married with two kids. Thanks a lot, Carrie!

“It was so intense,” the actress-author, 60, tells PEOPLE exclusively of the real-life romance die-hard fans of the franchise have wished for since Han Solo and Princess Leia captured hearts on-screen. “It was Han and Leia during the week, and Carrie and Harrison during the weekend,” she says.

Wanna stop here to say that is a fire verse.

After spending their first night together following a birthday party for director George Lucas, Fisher was wracked by self-doubt. “I looked over at Harrison. A hero’s face — a few strands of hair fell over his noble, slightly furrowed brow,” she writes. “How could you ask such a shining specimen of a man to be satisfied with the likes of me?” “I was so inexperienced, but I trusted something about him,” she says. “He was kind.”

Any a dude who has seen Carrie Fisher in Star Wars could probably answer that question pretty easily. Anyway, can’t really blame him or her. I still wanna bang Princess Leia and I’d probably let a young Han Solo touch it. Meh.


She apparently also did the sex with Robocop. Shoutout to Carrie Fisher for banging all my childhood heroes.