Miss Colombia Is Still Pissed, Might Do Porn

Much like 9/11, we all know where we were when Steve Harvey flew into Miss Colombia Ariadna Gutierrez’s dreams and melted steel beams. Miss Colombia knows too. She’s still talking about it. 

It was very humiliating for me, but also for the whole country and for all the people not only from Colombia but the other Latinos that were in the auditorium,” the beauty queen said in the interview. Gutiérrez added that the only thing that crossed her mind was “this is going to be a joke, because in the rehearsals he used to play around with questions and I thought he was going to continue with that same tone to make people laugh.” After countless rumors and speculation that what the organization wanted to achieve was rating and publicity Gutierrez expressed, “If that was the goal, they succeeded.”

All Latinos being humiliated during an event owned by Donald Trump. She should have known. But what about the porn offer? Did she mention the porn offer? She did? Sweet!

She also talked about the $1 million porn offer saying that she hasn’t received an official offer and she claims that she saw the letter from Vivid Entertainment on social media, however; Ariadna said for that amount of money she wouldn’t accept, “my parents would kill me.”

Translation: “Up your offer. My parents won’t kill me if we do, say, $20M? $20M more bueno. Throw in a crown and we can do like $15M and anal.” 


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