Kim Davis’ GMA Interview Went Great


On her publicity tour for her eventual book deal that will profit off people who believe in fake heaven tourism guides, Kim Davis appeared on Good Morning America today, and it went about as you would expect. Long story short, she’s cool with not doing her job and collecting a government paycheck even though laws deemed unconstitutional by said government don’t matter because Jesus. When told that a gay couple said they “felt human” after receiving their marriage license, she talks about the Constitution. Apparently cherry-picking isn’t limited to the Bible. Back to what I said before, Kim Davis doesn’t recognize the Supreme Court’s decision that gays have the right to marry (because Jesus again), but she says the marriage licenses that have been issued aren’t valid because she’s the government and she didn’t sign off on them. Are you following along? I know, the mental gymnastics are little messy when you can’t seem to stick the landing. Oh, and she says she’s not hypocrite, because remember in her statement, she said she “converted to Christianity” only four years ago, so her four marriages and getting pregnant by another dude while she was married shouldn’t count (again because Jesus). But by “converted”, she means she was a Baptist before she became a Christian because I guess Baptists aren’t Christians or something even though they share the same used textbook. Whew. Glad we cleared that up. Meanwhile, the political party who is supporting her now says that religion should stay out of politics. I think they mean the kind that doesn’t get you money and votes. I might have to consult the Bible to double check. I’ pretty it’s in the same chapter where Jesus was preaching out the benefits of subprime loans and the evils of the carbon tax.